Wednesday 13 April 2011


Think I might be addicted to shopping. Whenever I'm bored I go shopping. I always feel like I have to buy something as well - even if it's just something small. If I come home with nothing I can feel quite deflated. I never spend much as I'm quite aware of how much/little is in the bank account. Also can't walk past a bag shop without at least going in and having a look. 

My parents words of wisdom haven't gone unnoticed though. I always resit signing up for store cards. I have a few which are just on a points system which is ok but I do have a tendency to spend money in those shops just so I can get the points. How sad is that? I know I'm not really addicted - I haven't got mountains of debt for a start - but can it really be counted as a hobby? Don't even get me started on on-line shopping - at least most of that is just window shopping.

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